July 04, 2024

Chrys' Top 13 Blog Post Picks / Thursday 13


This is another contribution to the Thursday 13 blog hop in which participants create a post with some kind of list of 13 things they want to share. The skies the limit.

Last month, I shared the 13 most-viewed posts of all-time on my blog. It's always interesting to see which posts take off, and which posts don't. It's just like with other forms of social media. We may love a picture we share on Instagram, but because of the algorithms, that day's traffic, planet alignment, you name it, the post you love may not get any love.

That's why I'm sharing 13 of my personal favorite blog posts of all-time. BTW, I've been blogging since 2013. It was nostalgic (sometimes bittersweet) to look back at the posts on this blog.

My Top 13 Blog Post Picks:

1. Honoring the Victims of the Salem Witch Trials (2022)

2. How to Respect and Support Indigenous Peoples (2021)

3. Homeless Care Packages (2022)

4. NOT INADEQUATE / A Post about Self-Defense and Abuse (2020)

5. Writer’s Burnout Part 1 (Speak) (2018)

6. 10 Things All Authors Should Know (2021)

7. Florida & Seminole History (2021)

8. Writers. Should. NOT. Tell. Other. Writers. What. Tense. Or. POV. To. Use. It's. NOT. Your. Choice. (2020)

9. Don't Shame Readers for What They Read (or Writers for What They Write) (2021)

10. Bullying Awareness Project (2015)

11. Body Literacy Book Recommendations (2022)

12. Traditional Publishing - Pros and Cons (2021)

13. Writing About: A Wound (2013)

It was not easy narrowing this list down to 13. I had maybe 5 others posts I collected while making this list that did not make it.

NOTE: Comments are closed to these posts, as is the case for all of my older posts. I close the comments to every post about a month after they go live to prevent spam attacks.


  1. What a fun idea for a blog hop!

    I was scrolling through your list and saying, "Oh yeah! I remember that one!" over and over again. Way to write such memorable posts!!

  2. I remember a bunch of those! I hope you have a wonderful Fourth.

  3. it's always interesting how some posts resonate with others while some that we love just don't get the attention. Good list.

  4. I have certain posts that I really liked at the time then later not so much. I've been on Blogger since 2010 or so, and when I started out I posted about everything under the sun. Since everybody was on Blogger back then it seemed like even the silliest post would get dozens of comments. I miss those days! It was fun having so much going one in this space where you could easily connect with people.
