February 19, 2021

Scene Spotlight for Cupid's Beau by Alicia Dean / Guest Post

Please help me to welcome Alicia Dean to Write with Fey. She's sharing a scene spotlight for Cupid's Beau, perfect for the month of February and to follow Valentine's Day.

February 12, 2021

How Did I Get the Idea for The Window? / The Window by Dave Cole / Guest Post

I had the pleasure of editing The Window by Dave Cole (a Dancing Lemur Press title). When I chose a guest post and needed to come up with a topic, there was one thing I was curious about...how did Dave come up with the idea for "the window" in the story?

Keep reading for Dave's answer...

February 03, 2021

New Release Marketing Conclusions

New Release Marketing Conclusions:

Last month, I had a new release: A FIGHTING CHANCE. I did a lot for this release. And I mean A LOT. Rather than hash out my marketing plan here, you can visit my guest post at Victoria Marie Lee's blog.

What I want to share here are the results of my marketing. This post is long. If you want, you can skip to the conclusion.