I am happy to welcome Sandra Cox to my blog. She's introducing us to one of her heroines of steel...Gwen Slade, who is a bounty hunter. I love that!
Welcome Sandra!
Writer’s Bane
I Got It
by Sandra Cox
Writer’s Bane
I Got It
by Sandra Cox
Yes, I know...I'm asking for participants yet again. This blog tour is for the conclusion to the Disaster Crimes series, A Fighting Chance (Book 6). Each post will also announce a short story (Disaster Crimes 7, an eBook that'll be free for a limited time), and I'll be launching a website inspired by this series. So, I could use all the blogs I can get to help spread the word on all this stuff. :D
There will be a giveaway you can enter that's a part of the tour. I will also do a giveaway among my blog tour sign-ups. INCENTIVE! (Bribery hahaha)
Blog Tour Dates - January 11 - 29, 2021