I wish my January post was cheerier, but I have some stuff I need to purge. Therefore, this is long. What can I say? I’m a wordy blogger.
Social media is TOXIC. (Raise your hand if you agree.)
I’m not going to reiterate about what’s been going on with
Romance Writers of America or comment on the authors involved or the shit-storm that
followed. What I will say is that I’m glad I never had the money to join RWA (I
always wanted to because wasn’t it what all romance authors did?), never had
the money to enter their RITA competition (and I had really wanted to enter Tsunami
Crimes for years), and never had the money to join a chapter (because I’d
found a local one). Yup, I am glad!
On to another topic…
Recently, in our own FB group for IWSG, I saw a post about the
daunting statistics of signing with an agent, and the comments took off to say
things like “trad querying is a waste of time” and how you realize what a “bullshit
racket it is and self-publish.”
Comments like this bother me, but I never respond because
social media drama gives me anxiety. (I’m even nervous about this blog post.)