July 29, 2019

What To Do if an Earthquake Strikes / Vlog

Health Update: I am slowly replying back to blog comments. I will share how my surgery went and the findings on IWSG Day.

Welcome to my vlog on Write with Fey!

Here is a post that just might save your life.

What To Do if an Earthquake Strikes

Length: 8:30

July 22, 2019

Blogging for Writers: A PowerPoint Presentation / Vlog

Health Update: Healing from surgery. It may take me a while to return visits after, if I am able to (healing is 4-6 weeks). But I will pop in to see your comments and to reply back to them. <3

Hello there! Welcome to another vlog post on Write with Fey. I sure hope you've been enjoying these videos.

This time, I am sharing a PowerPoint presentation that I recorded with audio. I presented this PowerPoint at a local writer's meeting and then at a writer's conference this past April (2019). I wanted to create a video after the wonderful response I got, so that I can share this for others who are thinking about starting a blog or have a blog and they need some ideas.

I hope it is helpful to you.


Blogging for Writers: A PowerPoint Presentation

Length: 46:45

July 15, 2019

5 Things You Probably Don't Know About Me / Vlog

Health Update: Healing from surgery. It may take me a while to return visits after, if I am able to (healing is 4-6 weeks). But I will pop in to see your comments and to reply back to them. <3

Thank you for coming to another vlog post on Write with Fey!

This time, I am sharing two fun videos. In the first, I am revealing 5 things you probably don't know about me. In the second, I am showing you 5 odd things you could find on my desk.


5 Things You Probably Don't Know About Me

Length: 4:59

July 03, 2019

Writer's Burnout Part 10 (No Stress)

Health Update: I will be having surgery on July 11th (next Thursday) on my right ovary to have the cyst and endometriosis removed. They won't know the extent of things until they go in, but there's a possibility they may have to remove more. I'd appreciate prayers and good thoughts. Also, I have blog posts scheduled throughout the month, but it may take me a while to return visits after the 11th, if I am able to (healing is 4-6 weeks). But I will pop in to see your comments and to reply back to them. 

What is writer’s burnout?

Burnout is very different from writer’s block. It’s worse. Writer’s burnout is something you feel deep down…bone-deep. It’s just like when athletes burnout from working themselves too hard and too much for too long. They can lose their love of the sport, physically and mentally. You can get writer's burnout from doing anything related to being an author.

To read my story and all my burnout tips check out:
Writer's Burnout Part 10 (No stress) - Tips 25 - 26

More Tips to Help You START Reversing Writer’s Burnout:

None of the tips above will help you, truly help you, unless you eliminate stress from your life.