April 22, 2019

Rescuing Mara's Father by Diane Burton / Character Interview for Lukus

Today I am hosting Diane Burton for her Rescuing Mara's Father blog tour, and she is sharing a character interview for her character Lukus.

Welcome, Lukus (and Diane)!

Hi, Lukus! What is Rescuing Mara’s Father about?

April 03, 2019

Writer's Burnout Part 7 (Don't Force Yourself) + GIVEAWAY

ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm on Pinterest! Better late than never, eh? I tried to find many of you already. Follow me, I'll follow back. :)


What is writer’s burnout?

Burnout is very different from writer’s block. It’s worse. Writer’s burnout is something you feel deep down…bone-deep. It’s just like when athletes burnout from working themselves too hard and too much for too long. They can lose their love of the sport, physically and mentally. You can get writer's burnout from doing anything related to being an author.

More Tips to Help You START Reversing Writer’s Burnout:

The worst thing you can do while suffering from writer’s burnout, in my experience, is to force yourself to write. Doing this will only make it that much harder to write. You will form a resistance to it.