August 28, 2017

Join Fey's Sparklers! / Monthly Mishmash

Radio Interview:

I did my first radio interview on Off The Chain, hosted by author Yvonne Mason. We discuss my pen name, how I started writing, the Disaster Crimes Series, and I share fiery details about Book 4. 

Recorded Interview:

I did this recorded interview back in June. It was posted earlier this month. Check it out and witness how terrified I am. LOL!

I'm starting a street team! :D

Fey's Sparklers

WHY SPARKLERS? Because they are cool. lol And because a spark can ignite a blaze, and that is what a street team does. They ignite blazes for authors and books.

SPARKLER GOALS: The members of Fey's Sparklers will have missions. Maybe two a month, to start. If you complete a mission, you will get a prize. Or if the mission is a big one, the person who completes the mission with the highest score (details later) will get the grand prize.

The prizes could be...ANYTHING!

I'll also offer advanced reader copies (ARCs) to Fey's Sparklers and do fun contests. For example, you could help me name characters and get credit for it.

WHERE: Fey's Sparklers will have a private Facebook Group for all of this to take place, so I'll need to be able to add you there. All members will get one of my ebooks (of their choosing) as a gift when they join.

If you're interested in being a Sparkler, please fill out THIS FORM. Or use the one below.

NOTE: If you don't know your FB URL, make sure we are friends so I can find you. Here is my personal FB.

GOODREADS GIVEAWAY:  I'm doing my first Goodreads giveaway for a print copy of Seismic Crimes. The giveaway will end on September 11th, so enter now! 

QUESTION: Will you sign up?


  1. You seemed far less nervous as the interview went on. Didn't seem nervous at all on the one last week. The more you do, the easier it becomes looks like.

    1. The plan was to do more so I'd be more comfortable. Glad it shows. :)

  2. I agree with Pat. His laid back demeanor and laughter seems to relax you. Great interview!

  3. You are doing amazing! Keep at it, Chrys!

    Oh, and I really enjoyed your interview with Evan Carmichael about Your One Word. :)

    1. Thank you, Madeline! And I'm glad you watched the interview with Evan. :)

  4. You'll be a pro at those interviews in no time.

    The Sparklers street team is a great idea.

  5. Yes, I can see you're nervous, but I would be too. You did a great job! You powered right through and came out the other side stronger.

    1. By the end, I was like "Why did I think that'd be so awful?"

  6. You didn't seem that nervous to me, at least not once the interview really got going. Most people tend to start with a bit of stage fright if they're not used to public speaking or having an audience.

    1. That makes me feel so much better! Thanks, Carrie-Anne!

  7. You look great and you sound great too! At first, everyone can be nervous but the interviewer knows this and seemed to help you. Once you started talking and getting into it, you relaxed and everything flowed. When you do more, it will become second nature. Good for you for starting the sparklers!

    1. Thank you, Birgit! That's why I am trying to do more. My next event is a chat and reading at as library. Uh-oh! lol

  8. Wow, Chrys. I haven't been by in a while, but I'm glad I stopped by today. Your interview was great, no matter how nervous you look. And who could resist buying the book after listening to this interview? No hurricanes here, I live in blizzard country, but I'm anxious to read about your stormy crimes. :-)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Debi! Thank you! I sure hope that people who saw it decided to by Hurricane Crimes. It's pretty cheap. ;)

      I'll be writing about a blizzard next. :)

  9. Congratulations on your interview. Great job. And keep those sparklers lighted!

  10. I thought you did extremely well.
    Well done Chrys you have alot of nerve to do that/


    1. A lot of nerve? LOL I don't know. But I am trying to do more and beat my insecurities.

  11. It's been suggested I start a street team, but I've been hesitant to ask my readers to do more than they already do. Please let me know how it works for you--I'm curious.

    1. If I can get enough people to want to join line, I'll let you know. LOL You can to a reader's group, instead.

  12. How exciting, Chrys, a street team and live interviews. You're turning into a celeb on us.

    1. Hardly! I'm must doing what I can for my books. :)

  13. How exciting for you. A live radio! Wow! Well done you!

  14. Hi Chrys - you certainly interviewed well with Evan Carmichael - almost made him look the novice! It was great ... and now good luck with your Sparklers team ... clever one word! I think I learnt something from Evan and you!!! Cheers Hilary

    1. I'm glad you liked the interview with Evan and learned something from it. That was my goal. :)

  15. Practice makes perfect. I am sure you will get better as time goes one.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  16. Congrats on the interviews! I wouldn't have the courage to be interviewed on video so I'm very impressed with your courage. I've seen some of your videos before and you have a lovely presence, so I'm sure you came across well in this one as well even if you were a bit nervous.

    1. Thank you! Your comment gave me confidence. :)

  17. Really enjoyed learning about you. Great interviews, enjoyed both so much. You did great. You Go! Love watching you fly. Keep soaring.

    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  18. How wonderful about the interviews! You are much braver than I am with that. :) Have a lovely week.

    1. I never would've been this brave, but I want to do whatever I can for my books.

  19. You were great in the interviews, Chrys! You can publish those on your goodreads author profile page and amazon author page. Way to go!

    1. They already are on my Goodreads page, but to get them on my Amazon profile they have to be on my computer. I only have access to YouTube links, so I can't upload them tyo Amazon. :(

  20. I liked the interview. You did really well.

  21. Fantastic interview! The interviewer was great too! I think you were adorable! Liked your blue nail polish! I can say, I know someone famous!! I am so happy for you!! Big Hugs!

    1. It's funny that you noticed my blue nail polish. I painted them blue for Tsunami Crimes and the signing the next day. :)

  22. Awesome interview. And what a great concept for the Sparklers.

  23. Don't let #Doubt extinguish your #Sparks. Find the #Sparks you need to ignite your stories, dreams, and life.

    That's a great mission! I'm going to give that one a go.

  24. Love the name Sparklers! Hope you get an awesome team!

    1. Thanks. Building a team is proving a little difficult, though.

  25. I'm so proud of you. Your enthusiasm and dedication toward promoting your books is inspiring. What can I say? You... sparkle.

    Your interview skills are getting better and better all the time. I really enjoyed the one with Evan. You go, girl!

    1. Thank you! I never thought I'd do or give interviews, but they say to never say never. ;)

  26. You're awesome. I love your energy. Yeah, as a native Californian, I'm fairly well versed on earthquakes.
    Congratulations on this interview.
    Stay safe and well.

    1. Thank you, Robyn! I hope you stay safe and well, too.

  27. Well done Chrys, you did great! Your Sparklers team sounds like a lovely idea, hope you collect an awesome team to help you.

  28. Both great interviews, you sound so confident!

  29. So cool! Congrats on the radio talk:)

  30. You don't seem terrified. Good job! You've really done great.

  31. I would be terrified too, but you did it, and I bet next time won't be as scary. =)

    1. I hope next time won't be as scary. I'm hoping each one will make it easier. :)

  32. You did a really good job on your interview! Your Sparklers idea sounds pretty cool. Hope you get a team together. (I don't think I'll do it at this time, because I just have way too much going on. Sorry.)

    1. Thank you! I don't blame you. I haven't been able to be a part of other street teams for the same reason.

  33. You'll be an old hand at these media interviews soon. Great job!
