Today I have Liz A. from Laws of Gravity. Her blog is quite
unique. She blogs about being a substitute teacher, shares her knitting
creations, and asks intriguing questions every week. Welcome, Liz!
1. How
did you come up with the title Laws of Gravity for your blog? Does it have a special meaning?
This is a rather long story. The short version: I liked it.
As for the long version…
One of the reasons I studied physics in college had to do
with the history of science. Copernicus.
Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler. Which all led to Sir Isaac Newton (who wasn’t that nice of a guy) and his law of universal gravitation. I so hope that Kepler actually stole that Mars
But that’s not what prompted my blog title. That came from
a movie. A movie titled Laws of Gravity
tickled my brain. I’ve never seen the movie. Not really interested. (It’s not
my kind of film.) But the title… I loved the title. So, I stole it. For my
personal journal.
When I started really working on my novels, I also started
keeping a personal journal. And I titled it Laws
of Gravity. Because.
Then, when I started my blog, I knew that’s what the title
had to be. Because it was still a personal thing, just a blog where I talked
about what was important to me. And I could spin some tale of how gravity is
the thing that holds us all together. Gravity is the force that binds two
objects with mass. And the more massive (or the more objects) the more tightly
it binds.
Or, I could talk about spacetime and how gravity is the
force that shapes our universe.
But actually, the title is Laws of Gravity because I liked the ring of it. (The deeper meaning
gives it layers.)
2. One
of your regular blog features is the Sub Files where you talk about moments you experience while subbing for a
continuation high school. How did this get started?
I started calling it #subfiles because hashtags started
being the thing, and it was the way I coded my tweets from school.
But the Sub Files have always been a part of the blog. When
I first started (on MySpace, of all things), I had one reader, my brother. He
said he liked my subbing stories best, so I focused on them.
As for the stories from the continuation high school, they
began once the district started sending me there. I write about what happens
during my subbing day. Those are just normal subbing days.
3. What
was your very first blog post?
My very first blog post was on MySpace. May 23, 2006. I
reposted it on Blogger on May 3, 2011. (I deleted the MySpace account, but I
saved my blog posts from then. I reposted some of them, but many of them
weren’t worth saving.) Silly Fire Drill
My first blog post on Blogger is from September 14, 2007,
and it explains why I made the jump to Blogger. Newbie But I had been writing a blog for a little over a year when I posted this.
4. On
Tuesdays you have What If posts. In
your words: At the heart of much speculative fiction (and fiction in
general) is a question. What if? How
do you come up with or find these thought-provoking questions?
I wish I had a good answer for you. They just come
to me. It might be from something I watched on TV. It might be from something
someone said to me. Or it might just be me white knuckling it on the weekend
when I’m writing my posts knowing that I need to post something…
5. You’re
an avid knitter and even have an Etsy store called Zizi Rho Designs. What is
your most popular item among your buyers?
don’t know. I sell quite a few EOS lip balm holders, but is that because I have a ton of them? Many of my
other designs end up being one-offs. I sell the one and then never make it
again. So, it’s hard to know.
![]() |
Knitted Earrings |
6. What kitting projects are you currently working on?
I have three projects actively going at the moment. First, I'm crocheting some more Pokeball EOS lip balm holders. Who knew that was going to break big this summer? Then on the knitting side, I'm designing a new purse. I finally found a stitch pattern I like. And finally, I'm knitting a lacy cover for my water bottle. This has no practical application whatsoever. I just wanted to make something pretty.
7. What are the top 5 most-viewed posts on your blog?
I have three projects actively going at the moment. First, I'm crocheting some more Pokeball EOS lip balm holders. Who knew that was going to break big this summer? Then on the knitting side, I'm designing a new purse. I finally found a stitch pattern I like. And finally, I'm knitting a lacy cover for my water bottle. This has no practical application whatsoever. I just wanted to make something pretty.
7. What are the top 5 most-viewed posts on your blog?
pattern for a crocheted peace sign appliqué—sense a theme here?
When I see other bloggers do this exercise, they always say
how surprised they are at their top posts. I am not. My top posts are my free
patterns, which I also link to on Ravelry (keeping them searchable for those
looking for those sorts of things). I’d be more surprised if they weren’t at
the top.
Because of Ravelry, I can look at what some others have
done with my designs. It’s kind of fun. (The pyramid pillow prop, the water bottle carrier)
8. Share
your number one tip to bloggers just starting out.
Write for you. Don’t worry about followers. If you aren’t
writing a blog because you want to, you won’t stick with it for long.
1. Favorite
time to post blogs? 8 AM
2. Blogger
or Wordpress? Blogger
3. Do
you host guests?
Yes, although I discourage it. (Too few readers to make it
worth it.)
4. Where
are you when you’re blogging?
Sitting on my bed. But if I have an easy class, I
may write out a post while watching them work and type it in later.
I am a writer, a knitter, and a substitute teacher, not
necessarily in that order. TV is my background noise of choice while I work on
whatever project comes to hand. I'm currently working on a novel about a wizard
with self-esteem issues.
Thank for you being my guest, Liz!
Please leave Liz a comment. J