May 13, 2016

What Would You Do...? (Part 3)

Every once in a while I’m doing something a little different. This is a "What Would You Do?" feature. I’m asking a question related to one of my books and I might do something with your answers. :)

You can give me realistic answers or silly answers.

First question click: What Would You Do...? (Part 1)
Second Question click: What Would You Do...? (Part 2)

The third question relates to Witch of Death.


Detective Reid Sanders doesn’t believe in the supernatural, but when he’s faced with a crime scene that defies the laws of nature, he has no other choice but to start believing. And solving a magical murder involves working with a witch.

Liberty Sawyer embodies the look of your classic evil witch, so, it’s no surprise when she uncovers the murderer is a witch that she becomes Reid’s number one suspect. If she can’t convince him otherwise, more people could lose their lives to dark magic, including her.

QUESTION: What would you do if you had a vision of a murder like Libby did in Witch of Death?

A few more questions to help you:
-       Would you keep it a secret or tell someone?
-       Would you investigate the vision?
-       Would you believe it or dismiss it?

Leave your answer and invite others to leave their answer. :)


  1. I'll keep the vision to myself. At least for a little while as I do a little investigation of the person (s) involved in the murder, to stop the vision from coming true.

    1. I think that's would be smart. Not-so-good things usually happen to people who say they have visions, especially of murder.

  2. I don't think I'd do anything because I wouldn't believe the vision was a real event.

    1. Really? Not even if you have several visions...all of murder?

  3. I'd check and see what I've been eating (or taking) to provide such visions

    1. Ha! Sometimes food or what-not can cause visions or hallucinations.

  4. I read Witch of Death and loved it, so I would have to investigate. I am terrible with secrets, so I am sure I would have to recruit some help. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I would recruit some help, too. Maybe I'd call you! :D

  5. It all depends on how vivd the dream was. If however something like my dream happened I would certainly report it.
    Happy week-end.

    1. Very vivid dream. You can make out a bit of the surroundings, see the victim and the method of murder...

  6. I think I would have to say something or investigate it; I don't think I could keep such a thing quiet within me, it would upset me too much.


    1. It would upset me, too. I would definitely tell my mom, sister, and a closet friend.

  7. Whoo! If I had a vision of a murder I would wake up and pray! And then, depending on how good the vision was, I'd find a way to work it into a story, lol.

    1. Pray. That's an awesome answer!

      Always a writer. ;)

  8. Have to keep it to myself until I find out if I'm nuts or not lol

  9. Probably write it down as a plot for my next book. LOL I have those dreams quite frequently. Just had one the other night - oddest thing is I'm always the one dying. :)

    1. Goodness. I've only had one dream where I was killed, and I woke up and was paralyzed in bed for a couple of minutes. It was pretty scary.

  10. My instinct would be to keep the vision to myself. Can't go running to the police with a vision can I? They will lock me up in an asylum. I would try using it in my book :)

    1. The police would most likely laugh at you, which is a problem Libby has while working with other Reid.

  11. I've never taken drugs, but if I were to have some kind of vision like that, I'd be thinking back as hard as I could to try and figure out who might have slipped me what.

    1. LOL! I don't take drugs and never have either, but I don't think anyone I know would slip me anything.

  12. If she’s plagued by these types of dreams, an investigation should definitely be in order—post haste, for her sanity and, given her insight, the safety of others. This sounds like a bewitching story indeed! But if it were me, I’d give up sleeping;-)

    1. An investigation is a must, especially since she's a detective. ;)

  13. I'd probably think I had finally lost my mind and commit myself.

  14. If these visions kept happening I would have to talk to someone. My main team would be my mother, a religious acquaintance or pastor and a reporter who believes in more than just the everyday stuff. Seems I'm ready to be part of a novel already. But I could not just sit on my hands if I believed the visions to be true. I understand some people might be too scared to act but I would have to do something. Carefully since I don't want the murderer looking for me.

    1. You're very smart, Sheena. I would have to act, too, but very carefully, as you said.

  15. If it was a one-time thing, I'd keep the vision to myself since I wouldn't want anyone to think I was crazy. If it was recurrent, I'd be warning and helping everyone.

    1. Recurrent or visions of different murders would be a warning.

  16. Hi Chrys - it depends how vivid and real it was .. then I'd be worried and would check things out ... but practicality after that would set in and I'd probably forget about it - except as Medeia says ... if it recurred and recurred ... then ....

    Cheers Hilary

    1. Very if you're place of the murderer....

  17. I've been in 2 earthquakes and thankfully both were small. I pretty much just sat in my bed until they were over. If I had a vision I'm not sure I would do anything.

  18. Oh...I would talk about it and investigate. Knowing my luck, I would end up in the rubber room where someone named Candy wants to become too friendly. I would still be trying to have someone listen and planning my escape.

  19. The problem is, if you go to the police, they automatically assume you did it. So, the trick would be to figure out a way to let them know what you know without letting them know you know.

    However, if you're having the vision, you're having the vision for a reason. So, there has to be something you can do.

    Just, avoid the police unless you know someone on the case is open to this sort of knowledge. Some are. Many aren't.

    1. That is the trick. The police will either paint you as the killer or a nut.

  20. First thing I would do is write down the vision in detail in my journal. I would only tell someone if I heard, read in the news about a eerily similar murder. Yikes just thinking of it gives me the shivers!

    1. Writing it down in detail immediately is smart.

  21. I'd investigate. Try to determine if it was from the past or the present. When I had enough evidence to take to the police, I'd make my husband come with me.

    1. Good idea to bring your husband. He could vouch for you.

  22. Hard to decide...what if it came true the next day? What would I do? Probably no one would believe it anyway.

  23. I think I'd keep the vision to myself... at least until I could trust the detective. Love the cover of your book:)

    1. Being able to trust the detective is a must. Thanks, TF! :)
