May 18, 2016

K - Kissing Scenes

NOTE: My newsletter came out yesterday. I've noticed people with Hotmail emails are not receiving them. If you've signed up for my newsletter and have Hotmail, add my NEW newsletter email to your address book and check your spam. Chrys(at)ChrysFey(dot)com Yesterday, my Yahoo email was used by mistake, but bounces still happen with my new one.

There are quite a few kissing scenes in the Disaster Crimes Series, so for all of my romance readers out there I am sharing one of my favorite kissing scenes from Hurricane Crimes and Seismic Crimes!

“You’re amazing. I doubt any other woman could do what you did today.” She didn’t see his hand move because she was staring into his eyes, but she did feel his fingers slip up her neck to her jaw. “How could any man want to touch any woman’s skin but yours?” Her heart tripped as his thumb cruised over her jaw line and his fingers cupped her chin. “Why would any man not want to kiss your sweet lips?” He dipped his head and she stopped breathing. His mouth brushed over hers lightly, as if he were testing her. The soft contact electrified her lips and they quivered apart to admit him.

His hand framed the side of her face and his mouth molded around hers. She could taste the sweetness of the baby carrots on his lips and something else, something dangerous. Her brain was telling her to pull back, to stop him. You could be kissing a murderer, your potential murderer! But what he was doing felt too good. Her lips were melting into his, and he was drinking them like water. She sank into the kiss and let it take her away on its wings. Her right hand lifted and she combed her fingers through his rain-softened hair. A reluctant moan of surrender slithered up her throat as her mouth opened and her tongue slipped silkily against his. In the deepest recesses of his mouth, she tasted his distinct flavor and it was addicting. She couldn’t get enough of it. She was getting drunk. But like any alcoholic, she didn’t want to stop drinking.

To read more from Hurricane Crimes go to Amazon.


Seismic Crimes Excerpt:

She lifted the spoon from the bowl and fed him ice cream, chocolate syrup and whipped cream. The ice cream melted on his tongue. “Mm. That’s good.”

“It gets better,” she promised and smeared melted ice cream onto his lips with the back of the spoon. She kissed him hungrily. When she finished sucking away the coldness from his lips, she set the bowl aside, framed his face with her hands, and gazed into his eyes. “I love how protective you are of me,” she admitted. Heat radiated off her body and slammed into him like a solar flare. “It turns me on.”

“Oh, yeah?”


She drizzled ice cream and chocolate syrup onto his shoulder. As it slithered down his skin, it felt like cold fire that made him burn from the inside. His breathing quickened, his heart rate rose. When the tip of Beth’s tongue touched his heated skin, he sucked in a breath between his teeth.

*SCREEEEECH* All right, so I have to stop it there. 

QUESTIONS: What do you think of these kissing scenes? 
Do you like romance?

To read more from Seismic Crimes, go to Amazon.


  1. Ooooh la la. Sounds like things are getting heated with that ice cream. Or it might turn into a sticky situation!

    Random note, I got my newsletter and it came from chrysfey(at)yahoo(dot)com, not the email you listed in this post. I can forward it to you, if that will help.

    1. Yes, I accidentally used my Yahoo email for yesterday's newsletter but won't be from now on. My April newsletter came from my new address and I believe you received that one, so you should be fine. At least until your service decides my newsletter is spam. :(

  2. You sure know how to heat up the kissing scenes indeed. Mine is more they kissed, move on lol

    1. Ha. Well, for romance they can't move on so quickly.

  3. I don't recall having received the newsletter. I'll have to check my spam filter. Ugh. It's entirely too protective of me.

    Great excerpts. While there is the occasional exception, most of my kissing scenes trend toward Pat's comment. They kissed, move on. :)

    1. And you had just signed up, too. It doesn't say your email bounced, but you know never.

      I understand that many people don't like writing kissing/romance scenes. I used to be the same way.

  4. Obviously I love kissing scenes. =) Lately though I'm finding I prefer when the scene has more of a metaphorical feel in where it takes the reader emotionally. That probably doesn't even make sense.

    1. No, it does make sense. Sort of. ;) I know what you mean. I have certain stories/character that take on kissing scenes like that.

  5. Writing kissing scenes are tricky. I usually end up with lots of repetition and have to edit it a few times to make it smooth and fun.

    1. Kissing scenes are hard to make lengthy. I struggle to make it fresh and use different descriptions.

  6. I just finished Hurricane Crimes so I remember that scene. I didn't read the one from Seismic Crimes since I'm going to be starting that later today. I do like romance; I don't read many romance novels, but I do like to be romantic at times :)


    1. You're starting Seismic Crimes later today? :D Yippee!!!!

  7. Tee hee I love the second excerpt! But I may be partial to food and kissing on the same page...

  8. Writing a good kissing scene is hard. You're better at it than me. (Although, that's not saying much.)

    1. Haha. I guess I'll take that as a compliment. :P

  9. I'm convinced I have the mildest kissing scenes ever. And boy, were they difficult to write.

    1. There's nothing wrong with mild kissing scenes if it's right for the book.

  10. Kissing is like a promise of things to come. . . you seem to have a good grasp of the 'technical' requirements. Seriously, it reads well, and may even raise the temperatures of your readers.

    1. I'm glad you think I have a good grasp of the "technical" requirements. Haha.

  11. I'll never look at ice cream and chocolate in the same way again. :)
    Really, very nice scenes. Thank goodness for my teen novels I don't have to write many kissing scenes. Yours are great. I'm too shy to write them.

    1. LOL! Oh, that was my goal. ;) A lot of teen novels do have kissing scenes, though. Maybe one day you'll write a awkward first kiss.

  12. That's one reason I'll never be writing romances. I'd be totally out of my league trying to write scenes like that. Great job, Chrys.

    1. It does take a certain skill. I probably won't be able to write a full-out fantasy or sci-fi.

  13. Took years before I realized I was romantic. Not in my genes. However, I thought you did an excellent job. So there!

    1. Haha, meant wasn't romantic. Can't type either.

    2. Well then there is a bit of a romantic bone in you. ;)

  14. I am not much into reading romance, but those were hot scenes!

    1. Awesome. I like that I got someone who doesn't like reading romance to say that. :D

  15. I'm sorry...I can't write more...I have to find my husband and attack him

  16. Done well, kissing scenes can add so much to a book and to the reader's concept of the characters. I enjoyed the romance in your books! Great post and great examples.

  17. Kissing scenes are so much fun to write. ^_^

  18. I bet writing kissing scenes can be challenging. Not sure I could do that. Fortunately, I write children's books, so I don't have to deal with it.

    1. Nope, No kissing scenes in kids books, unless it's a kiss from mom. :)

  19. Those are great scenes. It's information much needed in my department because though I don't fancy romance novels. I do try to incorporate a bit of romance in to my YA stories. What are High School kids if they are not dating and kissing and such. Generally though, I try to reign it is as much as possible and still try to convey the intimacy.
    I have to admit, I have never liked any kissing scene I have written for. It always seems forced and not intimate at all.

    1. There certainly is a lot of dating and kissing in high school. But, yes, reigning it in for YA is a good idea. Not forcing an intimate scene is hard. Finding some way to make it flow natural is important.

  20. Hi Chrys - brilliantly written ... well done ... I'm going back to my biographies, reference books etc now! Cheers Hilary

  21. Phew, hot stuff! Well done, Chrys. I love the use of food in the second scene from Seismic Crimes. Very HAWT ;)

    1. LOL! Thank you. ;) I wanted to make that scene different...well I wanted to make all of the romance scenes in Seismic Crimes different.

  22. Wow! Hot and brilliant! Awesome writeup Chrys.

  23. Lol, I used to read romance novels in my teens, now not really. But these you've shared are great, Chrys! I like the first one. :)

  24. I get to write kissing scenes in my YA and they are fun to write. These are great excerpts. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. I think kissing scenes in YA can be a lot more fun, because they can be that awkward first kiss. :p
