April 29, 2014

You Know You’re a Writer When:

Y is for You Know You're a Writer When:

·         You get up in the middle of the night to write something that you don’t want to forget.

·         You nudge aside kids to buy notebooks and pens when it’s back-to-school season. And you horde them like drugs. Hey, notebooks and pens are like drugs to writers. Right? ;)

·         When someone asks you what you want for Christmas or your birthday, you tell them something reading or writing related.

·         You think about writing ALL the time! Even when you’re trying to take a break from writing.

·         You’ve woken up from a dream and thought, “That’ll make a great story!”

·         You see strangers in public who you imagine as characters.

·         You spot grammar mistakes in Facebook statuses/comments and have to refrain yourself from correcting the person who wrote it.

·         You notice lyrics to popular songs aren’t grammatically correct.

·         Almost everything you see could be included in your book.

·         Nearly everything you hear could be dialogue for your characters.

·         Other writers are the only people who understand you. (Holli’s contribution.)

·         You read books to take a break from writing and to inspire you to write again. (Stelios’ contribution.)

·         You publish a comment on a blog and are horrified to see a typo. (Lexa’s contribution.)

·         You take a walk and end up muttering/repeating dialogue, etc. that you don’t want to forget. (Sophie’s contribution.)

·         You’re reading this right now and nodding in agreement.

SHARE: If you thought of something to add, let me know and I’ll include it in the list! :D 

A to Z Blogging Challenge:


  1. Lol! These are great. I really do think about writing all the time. I was brainstorming/zoning out at work last night and people kept asking if I was all right. I just wanted to scream, "Can't I think in peace???!!"

    1. Daydreaming/brainstorming/zoning out whatever you want to call it is one of my favorite things about writing. :)

  2. I can't remember the last time I wanted something for my birthday or Christmas that wasn't reading or writing-related. And those sales for school supplies? Let me at 'em! :)

    1. I always want writing/reading-related things as gifts. And I don't always get them. haha

  3. Oh yes, I can relate to pretty much every point in your list! I guess I'm a writer too. :)

  4. I can relate to about half. Guess I'm not a real writer. However, I do notice song lyrics, as most don't make sense, either.

    1. Oh, I still think that makes you a writer, Alex. :)

  5. The thinking I sure do, as well as the dreams at my zoo

    1. Then the animals at your zoo are writers too. :P

  6. Yup! I've done pretty much all of those things!

  7. I'm guilty on all points, Chrys! :)

  8. I never thought of taking advantage of back-to-school sales--brilliant! I would add, "you know you're a writer when…only other writers truly understand you".

    Great post! We're almost there.

    1. I live for back-to-school supplies!

      So are you, Holli! :D

    2. Hey, my contribution is up there! Is it silly that this makes me ridiculously happy? I contributed to your blog! :)

  9. Haha, perfect! I can't think of any more to add, Chrys :)

  10. You read books to both take break from writing and to inspire you to write again.

  11. Yes! I used to walk down stationary aisle and salivate. Now it's rare you'll find me without a kindle or mobile device on hand to record my experiences, and impressions. Oh, and my handheld recorder. That's the true life of a writer, eh? Always being poised on the edge of your seat to chronicle bits of life.

    True Heroes from A to Z

  12. So funny! In addition to these, I'm always writing comments on blogs, hitting "Publish," and then being horrified when I see a typo. Gah!

  13. Perfect list. You made me smile as I read this.

  14. I agree with all the points and loved how cleverly you have put everything together ^_^


  15. So true! I saw myself in each of those!

  16. I'm also embarrassed when I see a typo in a blog comment, and there's no way to edit it. I often delete Tweets and repost them when I notice I've had a typo, and edit Facebook comments or posts for the same reason.

    I also have a nice notebook stash for my handwritten magnum opus, which should probably last until the story reaches at least 2005. (It's up to October 1998 now, and goes until 2050. The finale is mostly written, and on the computer.)

    1. Me too, my friend. Blog comments need to be fixed with edit buttons!

      A notebook stash is a great thing. :)

  17. These are all awesome! I've learned long ago to keep my mouth shut when I see a typo. People find it annoying when you point that out!

    1. I know if someone pointed out a silly typo in one of my comments or even in a blog spot I'd be a little peeved. ;)

  18. You use your kids' soap crayons (while taking a bath) to jot down a like you don't want to forget.
    Deb@ http;//debioneille.blogspot.com

  19. AND your butt gets bigger from skipping all of your workouts to finish your novel and cater to all of your platform building! a.k.a. social media, reviews, blogging and much, much more!
    I loved all of the things you listed, Chrys. When I am out and about, I am always finding people around me make good characters in my stories. The best is the gym. You find some real weirdoes and steamy guys there=) Ha!

    1. HAHA! That's hilarious! Our butts do tend to get bigger. :P

      I find good characters in Wal-Mart. ;)

  20. Oh yeah I sat there nodding - especially the stuff about typos and grammar mistakes ;P

    Another one would be: you walk down the road muttering dialogue to yourself.

    The number of times folks have looked at me strangely thanks to something that is coming out of my mouth. Thankfully, no one has ever called the police! ;P

    1. I have definitely done that walking and muttering/repeating something I don't want to forget!

      LOL!! :P

  21. *nodding* So true, especially: "Hey, notebooks and pens are like drugs to writers. Right?"

  22. hahaha! Yes, I'm stingy with books and pens with my kids. :) Love it. I guess I must be a writer.

  23. Great list. Oh, I definitely see myself people watching and looking for worthy character attributes. It is rarely difficult to find them.

    1. Oh no, it;'s not difficult. Characters are walking around everywhere. ;)

  24. I've done many things on that list, but the one that made me smile was the blog posting item (horrified at the typo left on a comment on a blog). Horrified, indeed. :)
    Silvia @

    1. I've been horrified by typos in my comments all the time. That's why I try to read them a couple of times before I click "publish".

  25. I luv the black background on your blog. I'll have to try it one day. I liked reading your writers list. I did nod my head a few times. I do like paper and pens.

    1. Thank you! You're the first person to say they like it. I wanted to do something different for my blog. :D

  26. Yes, I'm absolutely nodding in agreement. :)

  27. Ditto. Me too, nodding in agreement. What a refreshing list!!

  28. Oh my Word. I can relate to quite a number of them. I chuckled all my way through. My dreams often find their way into my writing...


    1. My dreams find their way into my writing too. They are the reason why my list of story ideas keeps getting longer. haha

  29. Oh yes, I was so nodding along :). I had a dream one night where in the dream I was convinced I was creating the perfect story - it was bound to be a best seller, then I woke up and realised quite how lame the idea was - LOL
    Tasha's Thinkings - AtoZ (Vampires)
    FB3X - AtoZ (Erotic Drabbles)

    1. LOL! That's hilarious! Even in our dreams we are writing and hoping to have a best seller. ;)

  30. Lol, this is the most perfect post for writers ever! I relate to every thing on this list.

